Annai Velankannai Educational Trust
Sowripalayam, Coimbatore, TN, 641028

+91 0422 2595550


The school provides various opportunities for students to take part in different co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and thereby develop qualities of confidence, discipline, determination, patience, decision making etc. which all are needed for a full and fruitful life.

Educational Tours

“Travelling” is a delightful entertainment. Educational tours are learning experiences outside the classroom which keeps the students in tune with the mysteries of nature and the life styles of different people. It broadens their horizon and enriches experiences by exposing them to situations that are new to them. National level sight-seeing tours, short tours and one day picnics are arranged on a regular basis to places of historical importance and interest.


The true essence of YOGA revolves around elevating the life force at the base of the spine. It aims to achieve this through a series of physical and mental exercises. At the physical level, various yoga postures or asanas are taught to keep the body healthy. Students are also trained in meditation as a mental exercise.

Classical Dance

India has thousands of years old tradition of fine arts, classical, folk music and dances. Bharatanatyam is one of the popular classical and traditional dances of India, originating from Balasaraswati which is nothing but diversification of Natya Yoga.

Bharatanatyam classes are conducted twice a week.

Martial Arts: Karate Classes

Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practices, which are practiced for a variety of reasons such as self-defense, military and law enforcement applications etc.

KARATE classes are conducted twice a week.

Few Salient Features

  • The strength of each class is kept to a manageable number to ensure individual attention for each student.
  • All teachers are suitably qualified, skilled and experienced. They are continuously put through various capacity building trainings and workshops to keep them abreast.
  • Students learn with interest by examining, exploring and exchanging their findings with teachers and friends. These carefully deliberated activities are closely monitored to make learning a rewarding process.
  • The school has a counselling centre where an experienced professional counsellor caters to the emotional needs of the student community and teachers.
  • The school also has career guidance cell to furnish ample information about the various study and career options available.
  • The school has qualified and experienced special educators who cater to children with special needs by identifying and evaluating their needs and taking the necessary steps for remedial work.
  • “Health is Wealth” as the saying goes we take special care in the Health of our children. To achieve this we are conducting different health camps for Eyes, Teeth, Ears, Skin and General health throughout the year. We find out the children with physical problems and help them to come out of that through proper medication and counseling.
  • We also take interest in our parents and educate them through many awareness programs and camps.

Class Rooms

The main building has spacious well ventilated class rooms. We have a Good Infrastructure and Pleasant Surroundings for Excellent Education.

Knowledge Resources

  • Thoughtfully planned and well - equipped Science Laboratories, a well stocked Library, Computer rooms with advanced facilities, Audio visual rooms with LCD projectors and a technology aided Resource room for teachers are available to facilitate better comprehension of the basic principles and concepts by stimulating the imagination, observation and reasoning.
  • The school has computer rooms with internet and multimedia facilities, providing the pupils’ up-to-date learning.
  • There are also specialized Audio Visual rooms in which all multimedia facilities are available along with overhead LCD projectors.


The school has a library with books covering a wide variety of subjects, besides popular fiction and classics. The school subscribes to journals of particular interest to students of all ages. A reading program is implemented with reading material selected to suit individual abilities. Our library has a large collection of CDs and other audio-visual teaching aids.

General Safety and Health

The school provides

  • Safe and purified drinking water
  • User-friendly Fire Safety Systems
  • Accidental Insurance Policy
  • Medical Inspection:
    Every student is checked for physical fitness by a qualified medical team every year. Parent consent is required for the same. Any ailment detected is notified; parents are requested to take the follow-up action advised and report the same to the school within a week.
  • Different Medical Checkup Camps such as General Health Camps, Eye Camps, Skin Camps, Dental Camps, Leprosy Camps etc. are conducted every year.

Code of conduct for students

  • Be punctual when reporting to school and submitting assignments.
  • Be respectful to elders.
  • Novels, periodicals, CD’s, Cassettes, Pen Drives, News papers, etc., should not be circulated.
  • Expensive articles and electronic gadgets should not be brought to school. If found, the items will be confiscated.
  • Cell phones are prohibited in the school campus.
  • School property should not be damaged. Any damage done to school property will be realized from the student who is responsible for it.
  • No records are to be tampered with use of correction pens.
  • Use of improper language, impolite behavior, discourteous attitude and bullying should be avoided at all times.
  • Rules and regulations in the library and labs are to be strictly followed.
  • Noble ideals of fair play and sportsmanship are to be exercised on the playground.
  • Pricey ornaments are not permitted.
  • Appropriateness in behavior and dress is an aspect of learning at school. On occasions when students are permitted to wear colour dress, they must dress in a manner that reflects consideration of what is appropriate in a place of learning; tight fitting clothes must be avoided.
  • Students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the school. Integrity, decency and decorum should be part of the student’s inner discipline. Any serious deviation from the expected norms of behavior will be severely dealt with.
  • Any malpractice during examinations warrants suspension from the rest of the examinations of that academic year.
  • An entry has to be made in the leave record, if leave is availed, and duly signed by parents and endorsed by the class teacher.
  • Students are not permitted to use motorized two wheelers.


“Patriotism, Wisdom and Humanity”